Category Archives for Rambles

Jeffress Speaks Truth, Well Sorta

“Do we want a candidate who is a good, moral person, or do we want a candidate who is a born-again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ?” This is a question posed by Dr. Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church in his introduction of Rick Perry at the Values Voter Summit. Wow! I always thought these […]

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Serial Addiction – It’s Killer

Ah, addiction — it’s a bitch. I’m exhausted this morning while I write this post because of it. I was up until six in the morning and had a breakfast scheduled with a friend at 9:30, so I got a whopping three hours of sleep. So, addiction you ask? Is it booze? Hard narcotics? No, […]

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Movie Matinee

Yesterday, I decided that I needed to get out of the house for awhile. Since everyday around here tops off in triple digit temperatures, I decided to get out but still stay inside, so I went to see a movie.These days I don’t make it to the movie theater as much as I’d like to. […]

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Hate the Player, Not the Game

Football season is upon us. I am a football fan. I enjoy watching games and rooting for my favorite teams. I have many friends who do not feel the same way and I understand, because I wasn’t always a fan either. But, there are two things that make all spectator sports, not just football, great. […]

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