Who Won? Let’s Hope None of Them!

In full disclosure (in case the title didn’t say it), I lean liberal and generally scoff at anything titled the, “Tea Party Republican Presidential Debate.” That said, the intro to the republican debate began like a football game and ended like a beauty pageant. Each of the players (uh, I mean candidates) were announced amid […]

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Hate the Player, Not the Game

Football season is upon us. I am a football fan. I enjoy watching games and rooting for my favorite teams. I have many friends who do not feel the same way and I understand, because I wasn’t always a fan either. But, there are two things that make all spectator sports, not just football, great. […]

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In Vino Veritas, In Vivos…Not So Much

Vivos, which translates into living, is in the business of “underground shelter networks for long-term survival of future catastrophes.” Wow! And this ain’t your grandpa’s bomb shelter, because even during armageddon you should have options. You can go with the first class shelter with more lavish accommodations for the reasonable starting price of $25,000 per person or, […]

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Do You Grok Rereading?

I stayed up until three in the morning finishing the last few hundred pages of Robert A. Heinlein’s, Stranger in a Strange Land. I hadn’t read it in at least ten years and must say it was just as good if not better than I remember. For those of you who haven’t read it, I […]

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